Providing a better visiting experience at National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci.


The National Museum of Science and Technology entitled to Leonardo da Vinci is the largest of its kind in Italy, one of the most important in Europe and across the world. The Museum often experiments new languages to communicate stories to its public, engaging and reaching out beyond educatonal institutions. The Museum preserves, studies and interprets the historic heritage, to make it accessible for the public. The Museum celebrates the great discoveries of the past and the present and look at the future to improve experience. Following an important transition year with MILANO EXPO 2015 the museum has the opportunity to plan and innovate their service offer and customise the experience to welcome their different user groups.


Discovering the needs, current behaviours and hidden wishes of customers we focused on occasional visitors. Based on the research and analysing museum visitors' behavioral pattern types, most of the occasional visitors pointed out the lack of facilities to support the moment they are in the museum. How might we provide a better experience for occasional visitors?

space box
Academic project conducted at Politecnico di Milano | 2009
Partners: Alessandro Spazoli, Elizabeth Meehen and Erica Invezzi.